Ado Goldstein

If you want to finish with a cold massage, Tarj likes to sit the gua sha in ice water for a few minutes. This works to de-puff the face, and is also "a great way to close your pores and lock in skincare at the end of the treatment." Then, using gentle sliding motions, work your way from the bottom of your face to the top, going over each section of your face five to 10 times. Begin at the jawline, then do your cheekbones and the sides of your nose, then your T-zone and your forehead, each time pulling the gua sha tool upward. This scraping can cause temporary redness, so do this at night before bed for best results. Jade is better for oily and acne prone skin while rose quartz can be used across combination and more sensitive skin. Energetically rose quartz is a stone of the heart and love which nourishes the individual while jade is stone or purity and longevity. Rose quartz is slightly harder than jade so harder to carve without chemicals this can lead to it being more expensive. Ado Goldstein


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