What is predicting optimal teaching methods

What is predicting optimal teaching methods


From a purely formal point of view, predicting optimal teaching methods does not seem particularly difficult. Relying on the set-theoretic approach, we think like this.

There is a set of teaching methods and a set of

conditions under which they are used. The main values of the first and second sets are known. Besides a set of methods and

conditions under which cheap essay writer from Edusharky in the real process there are always random (unknown) causes whose magnitudes and direction of influence cannot be foreseen in advance. In the first approximation

their influence has to be neglected, but we have to remember that

it is the presence of unforeseen, uncontrollable causes

is what determines the reliability of prognostic conclusions. The task

of methods optimization is formulated unambiguously: under available

out of the variety of methods it is necessary to select those that provide the highest effectiveness of teaching according to the criteria adopted.

To train teachers in the optimal choice of teaching methods, as best practices show, the school should

specific organizational and pedagogical conditions, which include primarily the organization of self-education of teachers to master the entire arsenal

learning methods such as https://edusharky.com/buy-term-paper and accumulated pedagogical science and best practices (study programs, textbooks, teaching guides on the subject, materials on best practices of

and so on).

The next condition for successfully implementing the optimal

pedagogical solutions is essay help and the teacher's analysis of the effectiveness of the use of teaching methods

after the end of the lesson. It is useful for teachers to find out,

how much time and effort was spent on achieving certain results and whether these costs were optimal from the point of view of the previously formulated criteria.

in terms of the previously formulated criteria.

Today a reliable assistant to the teacher in choosing optimal teaching methods is becoming a computer. An electronic brain

instantly "filters" the methods through the sieve of the specific

learning conditions and advises the teacher to choose

on the ways that meet predetermined

criteria. In order to do this, it is necessary to have clear evaluation criteria and

appropriate computer programs. Form - the nature of orientation of activity. The form is based on the leading method. Forms can be specific (a lesson,

Homework, elective classes, consultations, additional classes, control of knowledge, etc.) and general forms.


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