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Nevertheless, when you blook your blog youre definitely asserting that these posts were meaningful and Im now making them even more meaningful. That being said, I do want to make this whole advertising thing more entertaining for you guys. Not very satisfying as a pattern designer but not many scrollers want to be a designer they just want to cut patterns. Their anthology The Realm of the Impossible is fascinating and I cant believe that Ive not reviewed it at length on this blog as yet - one of these days, Im sure I will get round to it. And in case any of you are worried, this is as far as Im going to go with monetization on this blog. With respect to Inside the Law School Scam, it appears that this is not the case. I knew I wouldnt be able to keep up that crazy 7-day-a-week posting schedule I had going last month, but I think I can manage 3 or 4 posts a week pretty indefinitely once my life settles down a little. That little box of text in the sidebar is it. While I recognize that I probably wont be getting advertising from Macintosh or Adobe Illustrator, it doesnt hurt to court them a little. proxy list


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