Waterford Cathedral, Waterford, County Waterford - Tomb of James Rice
Waterford Cathedral, Waterford, County Waterford - Tomb of James Rice
Waterford, County Waterford, Ireland
James Rice Monument: James Rice was Mayor of Waterford in 1469 and on five subsequent occasions. Translation of Latin Inscription round edge of Monument: "Here lies James Rice, late citizen of this city, and by his direction is interred Katherine Brown, his wife. Whose thou art that passeth by, stop, read, mourn - I am what thou wilt be, and I was what thou art. Pray for me I beseech thee. It is our lot to pass through the gates of death. We entreat Thee, O Christ, to have mercy on us. We beseech Thee who comest to redeem the lost not to condemn the redeemed." Figures of Saints are represented round the sides of the tomb, with the names over each.
Waterford (Ireland), Sepulchral slabs, Sepulchral monuments, Funerary monuments, Tombs, Effigies, James Rice, Translations, Exhibition materials, Transi tomb, Momento mori
Artist / Creator / Agent, etc.
Rae, Edwin
Contributor's Role
TARA (Trinity's Access to Research Archive) URI
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS), The Heritage Council of Ireland
Trinity College Dublin
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