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Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of the south transept from the east showing arcade of pointed chamfered arches in two orders resting on cylindrical pier with moulded bell capital and water - holding base. The respond is engaged to the west elevation. Blocked arches to the nave and crossing can also be seen and the south wall of the modern nave…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of south transept from the west showing paired side chapels beyond east elevation. Two bay arcade of transept has cylindrical piers with bell capitals, water - holding bases and chamfered soffit mouldings. Arches to side chapels have similar chamfered mouldings and a circular sexfoil window in the spandrel…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of south transept from the north showing triple lancet windows in south elevation, single lancet window in east elevation and two - bay arcade between main transept space and western flanking aisle. Arcade has cylindrical piers with bell capitals, water - holding bases and chamfered arch mouldings. Lancet windows…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Large tomb niche on north elevation of the east end of the chancel. Trefoil headed arch with roll moulding and dogtooth ornament, supported by bell capitals (incomplete) and paired shafts on the western side. Those on the east are missing. Two fragments of a frieze are present below the cavity. They show low relief…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of west end of chancel showing stringcourse and lancet window in north elevation with roll moulding, hood moulding and floriated label stop on the west side of the window. The capitals and shafts that are present on other windows are missing here. The outline of a pointed arch, the original chancel arch, can be…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of choir from the south - east showing south and east elevations. Former has five lancets with quatrefoil windows in the spandrels and hood mouldings linked by stringcourse;the two eastern most lancets are longer than the other three. East end shows remains of triple lancet windows.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View from the north - east of north elevation of the choir, crossing tower, north transept showing two external transept chapels, and round tower. Choir has single lancet windows with quatrefoil windows in the spandrels, transept chapels have paired lancet windows as does crossing tower.

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