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Abbeyknockmoy Cistercian Monastery, east window, jamb
Augustinian Priory, Fethard, County Tipperary - Arch
Tags: Arches, Architectural, Architecture Ireland, Augustinian Priory of the Holy Trinity, Bases (Architecture), Capitals (Architecture), Church architecture, Cistercian architecture, Columns, Corbels, County Tipperary, Cranial corbel, Cusps, Decoration and ornament, Fethard, figure sculpture, Holycross Abbey (Thurles, Ireland, Ireland), Mouldings, Ogee, Stone buildings, Stone Carving, Three-unit capital, Thurles (Ireland), Tipperary (Ireland : County), Tracery (Architecture)
Augustinian Priory, Fethard, County Tipperary - West Front
Tags: Architectural, Augustinian Priory of the Holy Trinity, Butler family, Church doorways, County Tipperary, Dagger, Decoration and ornament, Fethard, Fethard (Tipperary, Funerary monuments, Ireland, Ireland), Ogee, Round sub-arc, Sepulchral monuments, Sepulchral slabs, Stone buildings, Stone carving--Ireland, Stone doorways, Supermullion, Tipperary (Ireland : County), Tombs, Towers--Ireland, Tracery (Architecture), Vesica
Clontuskert Augustinian Priory, rood screen, arch
Dominican Friary, Cashel, County Tipperary - Transept Window
Tags: Arches, Architectural, Architecture Ireland, Cashel, Cashel (Tipperary, Church architecture, Church buildings, County Tipperary, Dagger, David O'Kelly, Decorated tracery, Decoration and ornament, Dominican architecture, Flowing tracery, Ireland, Ireland), Ogee, Stone buildings, Stone Carving, Tipperary (Ireland : County), Tracery (Architecture), Vesica
Ennis Franciscan Friary, eastern tomb niche, north nave wall, jamb and arch moulding
Ennis Franciscan Friary, loose fragments, hood
Ennis Franciscan Friary, western tomb niche, north nave wall, jamb and arch moulding
Fertagh, County Kilkenny, exterior - MacGiollapadraig chapel, junction between west wall and nave
Tags: Architecture, Baron of Upper Ossory, Bryan, ca. 1485 - 1575, County Kilkenny, Ecclesiastical architecture, Europe, Fertagh, Fitzpatrick, Foliation (Architecture and decoration), Gothic - Ireland, Leinster, MacGiollapadraig, Masonry, Masonry Break, Medieval - Ireland, Monasteries - Ireland, Mortuary chapels, Ogee, Ossory, Republic of Ireland, Rubble masonry, square label, Windows - History
Fertagh, County Kilkenny, exterior - north nave wall, window
Tags: Architecture, Baron of Upper Ossory, Bryan, ca. 1485 - 1575, County Kilkenny, Ecclesiastical architecture, Europe, Fertagh, Fitzpatrick, Foliation (Architecture and decoration), Gothic - Ireland, Leinster, MacGiollapadraig, Medieval - Ireland, Monasteries - Ireland, Mouldings, Ogee, Ossory, Republic of Ireland, square label, Stone carving - Ireland, Windows
Fertagh, County Kilkenny, exterior - window, general view and details
Tags: Architecture, Baron of Upper Ossory, Bryan, ca. 1485 - 1575, Church architecture - Ireland - Kilkenny, County Kilkenny, Dagger, drill hole, Ecclesiastical architecture, Europe, Fitzpatrick, Foliation (Architecture and decoration), Gothic - Ireland, Johnstown, Leinster, MacGiollapadraig, Medieval - Ireland, Ogee, Ossory, Republic of Ireland, round sub - arc, Stone carving - Ireland, Supermullion, Tracery (Architecture), Vesica, Windows
Fertagh, County Kilkenny, interior - MacGiollapadraig double tomb, general view
Tags: Architecture, Baron of Upper Ossory, Box tomb, Bryan, ca. 1485 - 1575, County Kilkenny, Dagger, Ecclesiastical architecture, Europe, Fertagh, Fitzpatrick, Funerary monuments, Gothic - Ireland, Leinster, MacGiollapadraig, medieval, Medieval - Ireland, Mortuary chapels, Ogee, Ossory, Republic of Ireland, round sub - arc, Supermullion, tomb chest, Transom, Vaults (Architecture), Vesica, Windows - History
Fertagh, County Kilkenny, interior - MacGiollapadraig double tomb, multiple views of tomb chest sides
Tags: Architecture, Baron of Upper Ossory, Box tomb, Bryan, ca. 1485 - 1575, County Kilkenny, Dagger, drill hole, Ecclesiastical architecture, Europe, Fertagh, Fitzpatrick, Foliation (Architecture and decoration), Funerary monuments, Gothic - Ireland, Leinster, MacGiollapadraig, medieval, Medieval - Ireland, o'tunney, Ogee, Ossory, Republic of Ireland, round sub - arc, Supermullion, tierceron, tomb chest, Tracery (Architecture), Transom, Vaults (Architecture), Vesica, Windows - History
Holycross Abbey, Thurles, County Tipperary - Chancel Piscina, detail
Tags: Architectural, Architecture Ireland, Butler family, Church architecture, Church buildings, Cistercian architecture, Costume, County Tipperary, Decoration and ornament, figure sculpture, Holy Rood, Holycross Abbey (Thurles, Ireland, Ireland), Ogee, Piscina, Queen Isabella of Angoul?, Stone buildings, Stone Carving, Thurles, Thurles (Ireland), Tipperary (Ireland : County), Tracery (Architecture), True Cross
Holycross Abbey, Thurles, County Tipperary - Piscina and Sedilia
Tags: Arches, Architectural, Architecture Ireland, Bases (Architecture), Butler family--History, Callan Augustinian Friary, Church architecture, Church buildings, Cistercian architecture, Columns, County Tipperary, Decorated style (Architecture), Decoration and ornament, Earl of Desmond, Earl of Ormond, figure sculpture, Foliate ornament, Holy Rood, Holycross Abbey (Thurles, Ireland, Ireland), Mitre, Mouldings, Ogee, Piscina, Queen Isabella of Angoul?, Sedilia, Stone buildings, Stone Carving, Thurles, Thurles (Ireland), Tipperary (Ireland : County), Tombs, Tracery (Architecture), True Cross
Holycross Abbey, Thurles, County Tipperary - Tomb in South Transept
Tags: Animal sculpture, Architectural, Architecture Ireland, Butler family, Church architecture, Church buildings, Cistercian architecture, County Tipperary, Decoration and ornament, Foliate ornament, Holy Rood, Holycross Abbey (Thurles, Ireland, Ireland), Mouldings, Ogee, Queen Isabella of Angoul?, Sedilia, Stone buildings, Stone Carving, Thurles, Thurles (Ireland), Tipperary (Ireland : County), Tombs, Tracery (Architecture), True Cross
Kilconnell Franciscan Friary, north nave wall, tomb niche, jamb and arch
Parish Church, Tomhaggard, County Wexford - Chancel
Tags: Anglo-Norman, Architecture, Architecture Ireland, Bases (Architecture), Capitals (Architecture), Church architecture, Church buildings, Cistercian architecture, Columns, County Wexford, Cusps, Funerary monuments, Intersecting tracery, Ireland, Ogee, Sepulchral monuments, Sepulchral slabs, Stone Carving, Tombs, Tomhaggard, Tracery (Architecture), Trefoil, Wexford (Ireland : County)
Parish Church, Tomhaggard, County Wexford - Drawing of Two Windows and Tomb Niche
Tags: Architectural, Architecture Details, Architecture Ireland, Barrow Church, Church architecture, Church buildings, Co. Roscommon, Cusps, Decoration and ornament, Intersecting tracery, Kilteevan, Mouldings, Ogee, Ogee-headed arch, Quatrefoil, Roll moulding, Stone buildings, Stone Carving, Tracery (Architecture), Trefoil, Wexford (Ireland : County)
Parish Church, Tomhaggard, County Wexford - Tomb Niche
Tags: Architecture Ireland, Bases (Architecture), Bell capitals, Capitals (Architecture), Church architecture, Church buildings, Columns, County Wexford, Cusps, Funerary monuments, Gothic capitals (Architecture), Ireland, Mouldings, New Ross (Ireland), Ogee, Sepulchral monuments, Stone buildings, Stone Carving, Tombs, Tomhaggard, Wexford (Ireland : County)