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Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of south transept showing south and east elevations. South elevation has triple lancet windows, the rere - arches of which are traded with annulets and foliate capitals resting on a stringcourse and a mural passage between the lancets. The lancets have roll - and - fillet arch mouldings and hood mouldings…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of south transept showing south and west elevations. South elevation has triple lancet windows, rere - arches treaded with rolls with multiple annulets and foliate capitals resting on a stringcourse that is continued onto the west elevation which has three lancet windows also with banded shafts, foliate capitals…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of transept chapel in east elevation of south transept. The pointed arch has continuous roll - and - fillet moulding. The chapel is within the wall and has a small window in its southern elevation and a double trefoil headed piscina also. There is a trefoil headed niche, with chamfered and cusped arch mouldings, in…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of west end showing entrance portal in south elevation, doorway to west tower and trefoil headed niche in north elevation. Pointed arches of doorways break through stringcourse overhead; recessed orders of entrance doorway have chamfered arch mouldings, foliate capitals and filleted shafts.

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